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Dermarolling Benefits According to Dermatologists

Did you know that Kourtney Kardashian is a fan of Dermarollers? Yep, that's true - she mentions it in an episode of Go To Bed With Me, as she walks us through her nightly skincare routine. No wonder her skin glows!  But dermarollers aren't just something celebrities are trying to sell to you because of sponsorships.  No, they are widely approved amongst dermatologists as well, who are well aware of all the dermarolling benefits. According to Dr. Zeichner, a highly-qualified dermatologist in NYC, dermarollers can help the skin "heal itself in a healthier and more cosmetically acceptable manner." Several studies prove this as well, as we'll discuss them in the following post. How does a dermaroller help your skin? Is...

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Best Acne Skincare Solutions According to Aussies!

Did you know that acne affects around 90% of Australian teenagers? But an even worse situation is when acne prevails well into your adulthood - that's right, adult acne is quite common. Luckily, there is plenty of skincare out there that can help you get rid of them.  Along with skincare, you might also want to use a dermaroller acne scars will absolutely hate, as they're quite effective in getting rid of them. So in this post, we've curated some of the best skincare that you can use with a dermaroller to reduce the appearance of acne scars.  Not only this, but our list also has solutions you can use to fight active acne. So if that's what you're looking...

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Derma Roller: Is Skin Peeling Normal After Microneedling?

Microneedling your skin is surely a tricky process but very easy once you know everything about it, which is why so many people are raving about microneedling’s benefits! Since you already know about the mechanism of dermarolling and its advantages for your skin, let's skip those parts (or read this complete guide that’ll tell you everything, step by step). In this article, we'll discuss what happens after a peeling roller slides through the length of your face. Many people get worried when the skin reddens or starts peeling after microneedling sessions. Is this normal? Should you be concerned? Let's answer all your questions. What Happens After Dermarolling? As you may already know, using a high-quality roller, like DermRollers, can reduce...

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Derma Rollers for Wrinkles - Everything You Need to Know

Would you like to be stabbed by hundreds of needles in your face? Well, what if we tell you that this will definitely reduce wrinkles and fine lines? Now, you’re ready to hear all about using derma rollers for wrinkles. While mainly focused on the face, the method can be used to reduce wrinkles in the scalp and neck as well. As you may already know, hundreds of needles are inserted into the uppermost layer of your skin via a derma roller. Despite sounding scary, the procedure is minimally invasive and has plenty of benefits.  How Do Derma Rollers Work against Wrinkles? Barrel-shaped and studded with needles, derma rollers are tools you can use to treat scars, acne, pot marks, wrinkles, etc....

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DermaRoller: What to Do If You Don't Get the Expected Result?

The use of dermrollers is booming these days, especially in some countries like Australia, or in the US. It’s a microneedling tool that is quite easy to use, and on most cases, derma rollers can do miracles. However, the use of a derma roller is not always recommended. Not only your skin might require different treatments but it’s essential to know precisely how to use a dermaroller and when not to use one. Have a look at this complete dermaroller guide and avoid all the mistakes you might be doing!In this post, we'll discuss everything that could give you some not-so-incredible dermaroller results. We'll also talk about what you can do to manage or prevent it from happening in the...

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